SF-SAC Section 4: Federal awards audit findings text
This workbook is only necessary if you have Federal awards findings, as outlined in 2 CFR 200.516. If you don't have any Federal awards findings, you don't need to upload this workbook.
Download SF-SAC Section 4: Federal awards audit findings text
Coversheet instructions
Enter the auditee UEI on the coversheet before completing the Form tab. Make sure the UEI matches the one entered on the Auditee Information step and the other sections of the SF-SAC.
Form instructions
For each finding, all columns must be completed.
Column A: Audit Finding Reference Number
Enter the audit finding reference number as listed in Section 2: Federal Awards Findings. Audit finding reference numbers must be formatted “YYYY-###”.
Column B: Text of the Audit Finding
Enter the full text of the audit finding as it appears in the Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs. Don't include charts, tables, or footnotes.
Column C: Did Text Contain a Chart or Table?
Select "Y" if the full text in the Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs includes a chart or table.
Select "N" if it doesn't.