Workbook 1: Federal awards
Workbook 1: Federal awards must be submitted.
- Column B: Federal Agency Prefix
- Enter the first two digits of the agency's CFDA number.
- Column C: ALN (CFDA) Three Digit Extension
- Enter the last three digits of the agency's CFDA number.
- For programs with No CFDA Number or if the CDFA Number is Unknown, enter a "U" followed by a two-digit number in the CFDA extension to identify one or more Federal award lines that form the program.
- If the Federal program is part of the Research and Development (R&D) cluster and the three-digit CFDA extension is unknown, enter "RD" in the CFDA Three-Digit Extension field.
- If the Federal program is part of the R&D cluster and the CFDA Three-Digit Extension is known, enter the CFDA Three-Digit Extension.
- Column D: Additional Award Identification
- Enter non-CFDA identifying data for the award (e.g., program year, contract number, state issued numbers, etc.).
- This field is required if you don't know the agency's CFDA extension. If you entered a valid extension in the previous field, this field can be left blank.
- Column E: Federal Program Name
- Enter the name of the Federal program as shown in the CFDA. If the program is not listed in the CFDA, enter a description of the award recognizable by the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity.
- Column F: Amount Expended
- Enter the amount of expenditures for each Federal award.
- Column G: Cluster Name
- Select the name of the cluster of programs using the drop-down menu.
- If the program is not part of a cluster, select "N/A" for no cluster.
- If the cluster name is not on the drop-down list, select "Other Cluster Not Listed Above".
- Column H: If State Cluster, Enter State Cluster Name
- If the program is part of a state cluster, enter the State Cluster name. If the program is not part of a state cluster, leave this blank.
- Column I: If Other Cluster, Enter Other Cluster Name
- If you selected "Other Cluster Not Listed Above" in the Cluster Name field, enter the cluster name here.
- Column J: Federal Program Total
- This field is auto-completed based on previous field responses.
- Column K: Cluster Total
- This field is auto-completed based on previous field responses.
- Column L: Loan / Loan Guarantee
- Select "Y" if the program is a Federal loan or a Federal loan guarantee. If not, select "N".
- Column M: If yes (Loan/Loan Guarantee), End of Audit Period Outstanding Loan Balance
- If the program is a Federal loan or a Federal loan guarantee, enter the loan or loan guarantee balance outstanding at the end of the audit period.
- If the outstanding loan balance is not applicable, enter "N/A".
- Column N: Direct Award
- Select "Y" if the if the award came directly from a Federal awarding agency. If not, select "N".
- Column O: If no (Direct Award), Name of Passthrough Entity
- If the award did not come directly from a Federal awarding agency,enter the name of the pass-through entity.
- Column P: If no (Direct Award), Identifying Number Assigned by the Pass-through Entity, if assigned
- If the award did not come directly from a Federal awarding agency, enter the identifying number assigned by the pass-through entity.
- If there is not an identifying number assigned by the pass-through entity, enter "N/A" in this field.
- Column Q: Federal Award Passed Through to Subrecipients
- Select "Y" if the auditee entity passed on the Federal award to a subrecpient. If not, select "N".
- Direct awards transferred within departments of the auditee entity are not considered passthrough funds.
- Column R: If yes (Passed Through), Amount Passed Through to Subrecipients
- Enter the amount passed through to the subrecipient.
- Column S: Major Program (MP)
- Select "Y" if the Federal program is a major program, as defined in 2 CFR 200.518. If not, select "N".
- Column T: If yes (MP), Type of Audit Report
- If the Federal program is a major program, enter the letter (U, Q, A, or D) for the type of audit report on the major program.
- "U" for Unmodified opinion
- "Q" for Qualified opinion
- "A" for Adverse opinion
- "D" for Disclaimer of opinion
- The type of audit report applies to all programs in a cluster. For clusters, enter the same letter for all programs in each.
- If a CFDA number has multiple lines, each line must have the same major program determination and type of audit report.
- If the program is not a major program, leave this field blank.
- Column U: Number of Audit Findings
- Enter the number of audit findings for each Federal program. If there are no audit findings, enter "0" (zero).
- If the type of audit report is "Adverse opinion" or "Qualified opinion", this field cannot be 0 (zero).